
Williston Post 144


Williston Post Auxiliary Unit 144

2024 - 2025 Officers

Christine Horvath, President

Marianna Wohlgemuth, 1st Vice President

Ellen Randle, Co-2nd Vice President

Debbie Robinson, Co-2nd Vice President

Rosanne Spinner, Recording Secretary

Christine Horvath, Treasurer (Acting)

Margo Bores, Chaplain

Ruth Valentine, Corresponding Secretary

Open, Sergeant at Arms

Executive Board

Marilynn Bauman

Mary Ann Busa

Gail Cinelli

Sandra Lee

Sally Mitchell

Susan Otto

Rosanne Spinner

(Click on above logo for complete information)




Q: I am related to someone who served on active duty between April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918, or on or after December 7, 1941. May I join the The American Legion Auxiliary?

A: Yes.  If your relative who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibility dates and is a member of The American Legion, you may join the American Legion Auxiliary.  If the qualifying Veteran is deceased, you may join the American Legion Auxiliary even if the qualifying Veteran was not a member of The American Legion when living.  In addition, all spouses of Legionnaires are now eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary, regardless of gender.

NEW FOR 2020 MEMBERSHIP YEAR: Male or female spouses are now eligible to join the Auxiliary! Please review the eligibility requirements to see if you qualify! Click HERE or on the logo above.

If you would like to join Auxiliary Unit 144, or would like more information, click here to send us an email.  Be sure to include all information indicated. You will be contacted as soon as possible.

Complete membership requirements are listed on the next page.