
Williston Post 144


Auxiliary Unit 144 News

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Unit 144 held their long-awaited Chinese Auction Fundraiser on Saturday, 11/19/22.

Story and photos to follow.  Here is a picture of Debbie Robinson's "Mission Table"

“What an excellent job our Membership Chair, Debbie Robinson did in setting up a VERY informative table  stating ”who we are, what we do, and why we matter” at our Williston Unit 144 Chinese Auction/Dinner Fundraiser on November 19, 2022. From our “mission” to our “branding”to “eligibility rules” to “sign-up applications” bravo  Debbie!!  The public came to enjoy a terrific Chinese dinner, from soup to fortune cookies, got to win a variety of prizes and, thanks to Debbie’s ”mission” table, got to see how their donations are used.

Rosanne Spinner, PR Chair
American Legion Auxiliary